Aims & Scope

The Journal of Agricultural Engineering (India) [JAEI] is an English language, peer-reviewed journal.  The journal publishes interdisciplinary basic and applied research manuscripts in engineering and technology to address the problems of agricultural, food, and biological systems. JAEI publishes papers of both theoretical and applied nature, with a special focus on experimental research, new design approach, mathematical modelling, and innovative approaches relating to all fields of agricultural engineering and technology. Manuscripts describing engineering innovations in the fields of natural resource management, farm mechanisation, post-harvest management, conventional and non-conventional energy-use in agriculture, and application of engineering principles in the management of crops in field and under controlled environment, horticulture, livestock, dairy, fishery, and those reporting research seeking to understand and model the physical processes underlying agricultural systems are considered. JAEI covers a wide range of topics related to the following categories:

  • Farm Machinery and Power Engineering with focus on design / development of geographical and land size-based farm tools and machines; application of new and emerging cutting edge technologies such as sensor controls, variable rate applicator, IoT, robotics and drone-enabled technology for production agriculture; solutions for precision agriculture, conservation/ sustainable agriculture, climate resilient technology, crop residue management; efficient power sources for agricultural production system; agricultural mechanisation, energy, carbon footprint assessments of agricultural production system; agriculture machine system modelling, predictive models, system engineering approach for strategic planning; application of ergonomics and work-environment control systems, technology for safety of operators.
  • Soil and Water Engineering with focus on agricultural water management, crop- water relations and water productivity, irrigation scheduling, agricultural land drainage, management of degraded lands including ravine land, rainwater harvesting and recycling, watershed management, hydrology and hydrological modelling, precision irrigation methods, IoT-based smart water management, automated irrigation systems, groundwater management and conjunctive use of groundwater and surface water in agriculture, crop water footprints, water-energy-food nexus, use of poor/marginal quality water in agriculture, climatic change impact on hydrology and water resources, institutional and socio-economic aspects of agricultural water management.
  • Processing, Dairy, and Food Engineering with focus on post-harvest engineering and technology; food quality and safety with large throughput non-destructive and bio-sensing methods; food processing and engineering, packaging, storage and distribution; structures and facilities for livestock, handling and processing of produce of animal origin including milk, meat, and others; indoor environmental control; modelling, simulation and automation of processes; emerging technologies including food bio-processing, bio-manufacturing, secondary agriculture, nanotechnology, membrane processing, engineering aspects of non-thermal processing technologies.
  • Energy and Other Areas cover research topics related to the application of science and technology for conventional/ non-conventional / alternate fuel production, conversion, application, fuel/energy storage; impacts on the environment and sustainability of agriculture; bio-processing. It includes articles covering solar energy conversion and photovoltaics, solar fuels and artificial photosynthesis, fuel cells, fuels from biomass, bio-hydrogen production, biofuels; energy conservation, energy-use analysis, modelling, demand prediction, integrated energy systems, planning and management of energy resources in agriculture.

The journal also encourages articles covering emerging technologies related to micro/macro-controlled agriculture, smart farming, micro- and nano-agriculture, artificial intelligence, analysis and applications of big data in the field of agricultural engineering, decision support system and case studies. JAEI aims to publish highly notable original articles to advance and disseminate scientific and technical knowledge in the field of agricultural engineering. This journal uses a double-blind review process.

The Journal of Agricultural Engineering (India) accepts only original research manuscripts and review manuscripts, and submission of a manuscript will be considered to imply that no similar manuscript has been or is being submitted elsewhere. The following three types of manuscripts are invited for publication:

  • Original research manuscript: Report materials and methods used, results and significant findings of original research. Such materials should not have been previously published elsewhere. ‘Original Research Manuscripts’ are the majority of the manuscripts published. They should not normally exceed 15 journal pages.
  • Review manuscript: Intended to be an in-depth study of the state-of-the-art subject that provides new insights or interpretations of the subject through exhaustive and systematic evaluation of available evidences. They should not normally exceed 20 journal pages.
  • Research Note: Reports a concise, but complete, description of a limited or preliminary investigation, enabling important scientifically proven findings to be speedily communicated, and facilitating the reporting of work not meriting a full-length research manuscript. They should not exceed 8 journal pages.

The Journal of Agricultural Engineering (India) is a subscription-based journal, and is published quarterly. The publisher (ISAE) does not charge any article submission and processing fee (ASPF), or any other surcharges based on the length of an article, colour illustrations, or supplementary data. To attract and publish high-quality manuscripts, and ensure peer reviewer recognition, the Indian Society of Agricultural Engineers annually confers Best Paper Awards and Best Reviewer Awards. These awards are announced at the Annual Convention of Indian Society of Agricultural Engineers.