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Author Guidelines

Submission Checklist

  • Read the Aims & Scope to get an overview and assess if your manuscript is suitable for this journal;
  • Refer to the “Guidelines for Authors” for writing the manuscript. Use Microsoft (MS) Word to prepare your manuscript and submit the MS Word file with main text, Figures, Tables, and any other supplementary materials;
  • Ensure that one author has been designated as the corresponding author with contact details (E-mail address; Full postal address, mobile number). The affiliations of other authors must be mentioned.
  • The manuscript is to be written in English language [English (India)] and typed in 1.5 line spacing in single column on A-4 size page.
  • Ensure that all authors have approved the content of the submitted manuscript.
  • Make sure that the issues on publication ethics and policies of the journal, copyright, intellectual property rights, ethical oversights, authorship, plagiarism, conflicts of interest are duly satisfied. Information on these is available on the ISAE website. Authors  are encouraged to submit the “Journal Publishing Agreement Form” while submitting online on ISAE website.

Submission of Manuscript

Soft copy of the manuscript in Microsoft (MS) Word, along with a cover letter, should be submitted to the online editorial systems of the Journal of Agricultural Engineering (India) [JAEI] at

While submitting the manuscript, submit the Title Page (containing Title of the manuscript, Authors names, Affiliations and e-mail address of all authors) and the Blind (Anonymous) manuscript (containing main text, Figures, Tables, and any other supplementary materials) separately by selecting appropriate options.

Preparation of Manuscript

Soft copy of the manuscript should be prepared in MS Word using Times New Roman Font using the specified font size as mentioned below.

  • Language: English (India)
  • Page margins: 2.5 cm (1 inch) margins on Top, Bottom, Left and Right on each page
  • Font size: Manuscript Title: 16 bold first letter capital in each word; Author name(s): 11 pt., bold,  first letter capital in name and surname; Authors’ affiliation(s): 11 pt. normal; Abstract heading: 12 pt. bold capital; Abstract text: 11 pt. normal; Manuscript text: 11 pt. normal; Main/ -heading (FIRST LEVEL HEADING): 12 pt. bold each letter and word in uppercase (INTRODUCTION, MATERIALS AND METHODS, CONCLUSIONS, etc.); First Sub-heading (Second Level Heading): 12 pt. bold first letter capital in each word; Second Sub-heading (Third level heading): 12 pt. bold sentence case;  Headings should not be at more than three levels; Figure caption/Table title: 12 pt. bold sentence case; Conclusions and References: 11 pt. normal, Footnote: 9 pt. italics.
  • Section numbering: Provide numbering to main section (1, 2, …) and sub-sections (1.1, 1.2, …) up to three levels such as INTRODUCTION (main heading), 2. MATERIALS AND METHODS (main heading), 2.1. Description of Study Area (first sub-heading), 2.2.1. Soil and geology (second sub-heading), etc.
  • Line numbering: Use continuous line numbering starting from the very beginning of the title page.
  • Equations: Use the equation editor or Math Type for equations. Number each equation by including the equation number in parentheses, to the right of the equation, by using a tab. Equation number should be typed outside the equation editor box. Define variables and its units (SI units), and list them individually after the equation.
  • Numbers: Use words (such one, nine etc) for numbers one through nine and use digits for numbers 10 and greater. Use digits for values followed by abbreviated units. For example: There were five drought events in the year 2020; beaker contained 5 mL of water; the mixture contained 2 parts magnesium, 12 parts copper, and 8 parts lead. When a sentence begins with a number begins, spell it out or rewrite the sentence. For example: Twenty samples were collected or we collected 20 samples. Units of Measurement: Always use internationally accepted signs and symbols for units (SI units). Only SI units are     accepted. Use a space, between the number and the unit. Example:  5 g, 25 ha etc. In case of percentages and degrees, do not use a space between the number and the unit. Example: 32%, 25°C In a series of measurements, indicate the unit at the end: 3, 6, and 10 cm. except for percentages and degrees: 2°C to 10°C (not 2 to 10°C), 15% to 25% (not 15 to 20%). Use a comma for five-digit and larger numbers: 10,000 kg (not 10000 kg).  All derived units should be written in exponent form (like m3 s) with space between the elements, example, 12 kg m-2, 25 MJ m-2 d-1.
  • Use the table function, not spreadsheets to make tables.
  • Use tab stops or other commands for indents, not the space bar
  • Do not abbreviate any words in the titles of article.
  • Manuscript should be ‘spell checked' and 'grammar checked’ using English (India) as proofing language
  • Ensure all references mentioned in the Reference List are cited in the text, and vice versa
  • Use the automatic page numbering function to number the pages.
  • Save your file in .docx format (Word 2007 or higher) or .doc format (older Word versions).
  • Authors may download and use the MS-Word Templates: Title Page TemplateManuscript Template for preparing and submitting their manuscript.

Manuscript should be well structured and arranged as follows

  • Length of manuscript: A Research Paper should not exceed 8000 words limit. However, a more elaborated Review Paper may contain 12000-15000 words.
  • Title: The title should be concise and Avoid abbreviations and formulae in the Title.
  • Short title of not more than 80 characters
  • Author name(s) and Affiliation(s): Provide name, designation and affiliation, full postal and email addresses for each author. All author affiliations related to the work should be indicated. The primary affiliation for each author should be the institution where the majority of their work was If an author has subsequently moved, the current address may also be stated as footnote. Please also indicate who the corresponding author is. The e-mail address of the corresponding author must be mentioned for further correspondence. Corresponding Author acts on behalf of all co-authors and ensures that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately addressed.
  • Abstract: The Abstract of not more than 300 words should state the problem investigated specifying the aims of the work, outline the methods used and summarize the main results obtained and the conclusions drawn. An abstract is often presented separately from the article, so it must be able to stand Citations should not be included in the Abstract.
  • Keywords: Up to 6 keywords in sentence case separated by semi-colons in alphabetical order should be given to enable subsequent abstracting or information retrieval systems to locate the paper. Words used in title should not be used as keywords.
  • Main text: For clarity this should be sub-divided into:
    • IntroductionThis should explain the problem investigated and provide an adequate background, review earlier work to identify the research gap etc, and clearly state the objectives of the work and the intention of the present manuscript.
    • Theoretical considerationsIt may be appropriate to explain or develop a theory to shed light on a problem or to correlate experimental results. Authors should not repeat the background to the article already dealt with in the Introduction Section, but should lay the foundation for further work.
    • Materials and MethodsThis section should provide sufficient details to allow the work to be reproduced by an independent Methods that are already published should be summarised, and indicated by a reference. Any modifications to the existing methods should also be described. Authors should briefly describe the place of study and year, detail experimental layout, equipment/ instrument and models, major specifications, make and settings of instruments during experiments etc. used.
    • Results and Discussion: Results should be presented and discussed with reference to appropriate figures and tables. The most appropriate presentations should be chosen, and tabulated data should not duplicate that is shown graphically. Results should be clear and The discussion must include the comparison of findings with the previous work done, and should explore the significance of the results of the work. Avoid extensive citations and discussion of published literature. Any limitations etc. of the present study should also be briefly mentioned and discussed.
    • Conclusions: Research and Review papers must have this final section, but it is optional in Research Notes. Conclusions emerging from the work should be succinctly summarised. These conclusions must have been discussed in the manuscript, and new material must not be introduced at this stage. The contents of the Abstract and Conclusions should not be repetitive.
  • List of symbols: Optional, but all symbols must be defined wherever used in the text.
  • Supplementary Materials: Optional, depending upon the cases. Supplementary material such as figure, tables, video, spreadsheets etc can be published with the article to enhance it. Describe any supplementary material published online alongside the manuscript (figure, tables, video, spreadsheets, etc.). Please indicate the name and title of each element as follows Figure S1: title, Table S1: title, etc.
  • Funding: All sources of funding of the study should be Clearly indicate funding that you have received in support of your research work. Please add: “This research received no external funding” or “This research was funded by [name of funder] grant number [xxx]” etc.
  • Authors Contribution: For research articles with several authors, a short paragraph specifying their individual contributions must be The following statements should be used "Author X: Conceptualization, Methodology, Software, Writing – Original Draft Preparation. Author Y: Methodology, Validation, Writing – Review & Editing. Author Z: Formal Analysis, Investigation etc.
  • AcknowledgmentsOptional, depending upon the cases. In this section, Authors can acknowledge any support given which is not covered in the author contribution or funding sections.
  • Conflicts of Interest: Authors must identify and declare any personal circumstances or interest that may be perceived as influencing the representation or interpretation of reported research results. If there is no conflict of interest, please state "The authors declare no conflict of interest."
  • Data Availability Statement: Please provide details regarding where data supporting reported results can be found, including links to publicly archived datasets analysed or generated during the Authors may state “Data will be made available on request” or “The authors do not have permission to share data” or “The data used in this study are available from the links provided in this manuscript or upon request from the authors” or “No data was used for the research described in the article” as the case may be.
  • ReferencesAuthor are encouraged to cite latest references (preferably of last ten years) as far as possible, except for some basic/fundamental research papers/books etc.
  • All references mentioned in the Reference List should be cited in the text, and vice versa.
  • Citations in the text: Citations of references in the text should be in the format of surnames of authors, followed by the year of publication of the appropriate reference, separated by a comma or the name (year) system as the case may be. The artifice “Leading author et al.” should be used in the text for multiple (more than two) authorship Examples of Reference Citations in text – APA Style
  1. If author's name occurs in the text, follow it with year of publication in parentheses.

Example:     Zhang (2016) modeled streamflows

  1. If author's name is not in the text, insert last name, comma, year in parenthesis.

Example:      Streamflows were modeled (Zhang, 2016)

  1. If author's name and the date of publication have been mentioned in the text of your paper, they should not be repeated within parentheses.

Example:     In 2016, Zhang modeled streamflows …

  1. If a work has two authors, always cite both names every time the reference occurs in the text. Connect both names by using the word "and."

Example:     Harms and Campbell (1967) employed multiple …

  1. If a work has two authors and they are not included in the text, insert within parentheses, the last names of the authors joined by an ampersand (&), and the year separated from the authors by a comma

Example:     … multiple models were employed (Harms & Campbell, 1967)

  1. If a work has more than two authors, cite first author followed by "et al." and the year.

Example:      Lin et al. (2019)

  1. If a work has more than two authors and they are not included in the text, insert within parentheses, cite first author followed by "et al." and the year separated from the authors by a comma

Example:     … models were classified (Lin et al., 2019)

  1. If two or more citations by the same author(s) are listed consecutively, they should be combined

Example:      (Jones, 1999, 2001; Jones & Tuller, 2003, 2004; Jones et al., 2006, 2008).

  1. To distinguish two or more papers by the same author(s) published in the same year, add a, b, c, etc. after the year: the corresponding letter should also appear with the date in the reference list.

Example:      (Park, 1995a, 1995b; Park et al., 2001a, 2001b, 2001c);

  1. If two or more references of more than two surnames with the same year, (e.g., both Jones, Tuller, Park, & Wu, 2013, and Jones, Tuller, Park, Le Pinchon, & Johnson, 2013), add a, b, c, etc. after the year: the corresponding letter should also appear with the date in the reference list.:

Example:      Jones et al., (2013a) and Jones et al.,  (2013b).

  1. If authors are not identified, or they are given as 'Anonymous'.

Example: (Anonymous, Year) OR Anonymous (Year) as the case may.

  • Reference List: Each reference should give the names of all authors (or, if anonymous, the abbreviated name of the organization), the year of publication, the title, publisher, volume and issue/ Publication number, page numbers, in that
    • Authors are encouraged to provide Digital Object Identifier (DOI)of the article, if available, in the reference list as the last element in the reference.
    • Do not use a period after a URL or DOI number.
    • Italicize only the titles of books and journals. Do not italicize other titles (book chapters, journal articles, meeting papers, etc.).
    • All the references in the reference list should appear in alphabetical order by the lead authors’ last names (Use MS Word option to arrange automatically).
    • List all authors with their last name first, followed by their initials- include a comma between surname and initials. Include periods between initials.
    • For two to seven authors, use a comma then an ampersand before the final author to distinguish two or more references by the same author(s) in the same year, add letters after the publication year, for example, 2024a and 2024b. Some examples of references are given below.

Journal Paper

  • Authors, publication date, article title, journal, volume, and pages/citation number must be included. Note, there is no period after DOIs.
  • Article titles: Use sentence case for article titles, capitalizing the first word of the article title, subtitle, and proper nouns. Do not use quotation marks or italics.
  • Periodical/journal titles: Give the entire periodical title—do not abbreviate. Use title case, capitalizing major words and proper nouns. Italicize titles of periodicals.

Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (year). Title of article. Title of periodical, xx(x), pp-pp.

  • For references with more than seven co-authors, list the first six authors, an ellipsis (. . .), and then the last author, as in the journal article example below.

FirstAuthor, A. B., SecondAuthor, E., ThirdAuthor, F. G., FourthAuthor, H. I., FifthAuthor, J., SixthAuthor, K. L., . . ., Lastauthor, Z. (2023). Title of journal article: Capitalize after colon. J. Agric. Eng., 60(1), 5-10.

Silva, T. P., Bressiani, D., Ebling, É. D. & Reichert, J. M. (2023). Best management practices to reduce soil erosion and change water balance components in watersheds under grain and dairy production. International Soil and Water Conservation Research12(1), 121-136.

Authored Book and Reports

  • Authors, publication date, title, publisher’s location, and publisher must be included. Include the DOI if one is assigned.
  • Book and report titles: Use sentence case, capitalizing the first word of the article title, subtitle, and proper nouns.
  • Series titles: Use title case, capitalizing major words, e.g., Antarctic Research Series.
  • If location includes a U.S. state, do not use periods in state abbreviation.
  • To cite an entire edited volume, use the editors as the authors, as shown below.
  • If no authors, move the title to the author position. End title with a period.
  • Chapter or report titles within volume or series should use non-italics. Volume or series title should be in italics.
  • Include series and volume number when applicable.

Kepner, R.A., Bainer, R. and Barger, E.L. (1971). Principles of Farm Machinery. Second Edition, The AVI Publishing Company , USA, 527p.

CGWB. (2014). Concept Note on Geogenic Contamination of Ground Water in India (with a Special Note on Nitrate). Report of the Central Ground Water Board (CGWB). Ministry of Water Resources, Government of India, pp. 78. (accessed on 03 January 2024)

Edited Book

  • Varzakas, T. and Tzia, C. (editors) (2015). Handbook of Food Processing. CRC Press, Boca Raton, 741p.

Book Chapter

  • Mosley, M.P. and McKerchar, A.I. (1993). Streamflow. Chapter 8. In: D.R. Maidment (editor in chief), Handbook of Hydrology. McGraw-Hill, Inc., New York, p. 8.1-8.35.

Paper in Conference Proceedings

  • Bachmat, Y. and Collin, M. (1987). Mapping to assess groundwater vulnerability to pollution. In: van Duijvenbooden, W. and van Waegeningen, H.G. (editors), Proceedings of the International Conference on Vulnerability of Soil and Groundwater to Pollutants. National Institute of Public Health and Environmental Hygiene, Noodwijk aan zee, The Hague, The Netherlands, pp. 297-307.


  • CGWB (2014). Concept Note on Geogenic Contamination of Ground Water in India (with a Special Note on Nitrate). Report of the Central Ground Water Board (CGWB). Ministry of Water Resources, Government of India, pp. 78. (accessed on 03 January 2024)


  • Šejna, M., Šimůnek, J. and van Genuchten, M. (2018). The HYDRUS Software Package for Simulating Two- and Three-Dimensional Movement of Water, Heat, and Multiple Solutes in Variably-Saturated Media. User Manual, Version 3.01. PC-Progress, Prague, Czech Republic, 322p.


  • Ajia, F.O. (2020). Water efficiency engagement in the UK: barriers and opportunities. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis, The University of Sheffield, United Kingdom.

Web Reference

  • As a minimum, the full URL and the date when the reference was last accessed should be given within the text.
  • (Ranking of the world's countries by 2013 total CO2 emissions from fossil-fuel burning, cement production, and gas flaring. Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center (CDIAC), The United States Department of Energy, U.S. accessed on 23 February 2017)
  • Any further information, if known (DOI, author name(s), date, reference to a source publication, etc.), should also be given. Web references can be listed separately (e.g., after the reference list) under a different heading if desired, or can be included in the reference list.
  • FAO-AGL. (2003). FAOterrastat database. (accessed on 03 January 2024).
  • USEPA (2002). Persistent Organic Pollutants: A Global Issue, A Global Response. United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). (accessed on 25 May 2018).

Anonymous Author

  • Anonymous (year). Title of the work. Publisher Names. OR http://xxxx

Appendices: It may be appropriate to place detailed mathematical derivations in appendices, rather in the main body of the text.

General Guidelines for Tables and Figures

  • Label all columns in tables.
  • Label all elements in figure images (e.g., label the axes of a graph).
  • Unit of measurement in columns and rows of table as well as in axes of a graph should be in SI style inside brackets after the column heading and axes label.
  • Place items that are to be compared next to each other.
  • Place labels next to the elements they are labeling.
  • In figure images, use sans serif fonts that are large enough to be read without magnification.
  • Design the table or figure so it can be understood on its own (meaning readers do not have to refer to the text to understand it). Define abbreviations used in the table or figure even if they are also defined in the text.
  • Tables or figures designated as supplemental materials should also contain enough information to be understood on their own.
  • Avoid decorative flourishes, which are distracting and can interfere with readers' comprehension; instead, ensure that every element supports the goal of effective communication.
  • TablesEach table must be placed on a separate page after References, and numbered consecutively throughout the text (with Arabic numerals), and referred to as Table 1, Table 2, etc. There must be a title explaining the components of the table. (Table 1. Performance parameters of bullock drawn sprayer) at the bottom of each Footnotes to tables should be indicated by superscript lower-case letters (or asterisks for significance values and other statistical data) and included beneath the table body
  • Components of Tables:
  • number:The table number (e.g., Table 1) appears above the table in bold font.
  • title:The table title appears one double-spaced line below the table number in italic title case.
  • headings:Tables may include a variety of headings depending on the nature and arrangement of the data. All tables should include column headings, including a stub heading (heading for the leftmost column).
  • body: The table body includes all the rows and columns of a table. A cell is the point of intersection between a row and a column. The body may be single-spaced, one-and-a-half-spaced, or double-spaced.
  • notes:Three types of notes (general, specific, and probability) appear below the table as needed to describe contents of the table that cannot be understood from the table title or body alone (e.g., definitions of abbreviations, copyright attribution). Not all tables include table notes.
  • Figures: All figures are to be numbered using Arabic numerals; Figures should always be cited in text in consecutive numerical order (cite as Fig. 1); Figure parts should be denoted by lowercase letters (a, b, c, ). Each figure should have a concise caption describing accurately what the figure depicts. Figure captions begin with the term in bold type, followed by the figure number, also in bold type. Figure captions should be placed beneath each figure (Fig. 1. Moisture ratio and drying time of onion slices under fluidised drying). Also identify previously published material by giving the original source in the form of a reference citation at the end of the figure caption. All graphs should be prepared in MS EXCEL (with graph lines in matching colours and axis title units mentioned after the title separated by a comma) and embedded in the Word file of the manuscript. Each figure must be placed on a separate page after References.
  • Figure Components
  • number:The figure number (e.g., Fig. 1) appears above the figure in bold.
  • title:The figure title appears after the figure number in sentence case and bold.
  • image:The image portion of the figure is the chart, graph, photograph, drawing, or other illustration itself.
  • legend:A figure legend, or key, if present, should be positioned within the borders of the figure and explains any symbols used in the figure image.
  • note:Three types of notes (general, specific, and probability) can appear below the figure to describe contents of the figure that cannot be understood from the figure title, image, and/or legend alone (e.g., definitions of abbreviations, copyright attribution). Not all figures include figure notes.

Other Important Guidelines

Cover letter: The corresponding author must state explicitly in a paragraph how the manuscript fits the Aims and Scope of the journal, while submitting the manuscript.

Maintaining transparency and integrity: Manuscripts submitted to the journal should not be submitted to more than one journal for simultaneous consideration. The submitted work should be original, and should not have been published elsewhere in any form or language (partially or in full), unless the new work concerns an expansion of a previous work. Please provide transparency on the re-use of material to avoid the concerns about text-recycling/ ‘self-plagiarism’. Author should aim at zero plagiarism. Self-duplication/text-recycling and overall similarity index of the manuscript should not exceed 15% for research articles and 20% for review articles with a limitation of less than 3% similarity from any individual source.

Publishing Ethics: All parties [author(s), journal editors, peer reviewers, publisher (ISAE)] involved in publications are expected to follow the publication ethics and practice the same. This includes all parties treating each other with respect and dignity and without discrimination, harassment, bullying or retaliation. The journal is committed to maintain the highest level of integrity in the published content. While submitting a manuscript to the Journal of Agricultural Engineering (India), the authors are encouraged to give an undertaking for maintaining transparency and integrity and practicing publishing ethics by submitting the “Journal Publishing Agreement Form.”

Authorship: Authorship should be limited to those who have made significant contribution to (1) the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data; or the creation of new software/ model used in the work; or drafting the work or substantively revising it; (2) finalizing the submitted version (and any substantially modified version that involves the author's contribution to the study). The authors must agree to be personally accountable for their own contributions and for ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work, even ones in which an author was not personally involved, are appropriately investigated, resolved, and documented. All those who have made substantial contributions should be listed as co-authors. Those who have participated in certain substantive aspects of the manuscript (e.g., language editing, etc.) should be recognized in the acknowledgements section.

For transparency, authors shall submit an “Authors Contributions” statement outlining their individual contributions to the manuscript using the relevant roles as: Conceptualization; Data generation; Data analysis; Funding acquisition; Investigation; Methodology; Project guidance; Software development and validation; Writing of manuscript for presentation of work and editing [guideline: CRediT (Contributor Roles Taxonomy)]. The corresponding/ submitting author is responsible for including the contributions of all authors in the manuscript before the REFERENCES section at the time of submission

Changes in authorship: Authors should carefully consider the list and order of authors before submitting their manuscript and provide the definitive list of authors at the time of the original submission. Request for any addition, deletion or rearrangement of author names in the authorship list under exceptional circumstances should be made before the manuscript is accepted for publication. To request such a change, the Editor-in-Chief must receive the following from the corresponding author: (a) specific reason(s) for the requested change in author list, and (b) written confirmation (e-mail / letter) from all (original submission and proposed) authors that they agree with the addition, removal, or rearrangement without any conflict of interest. The decision of the Editor-in-Chief on the matter would be final.

Preprint Policy: The authors are required to include details of a preprint posting, including DOI or other persistent identifier, while submitting their manuscript. Upon receipt of acceptance of a manuscript for publication in the JAEI, the corresponding author must agree to the terms of the relevant publishing agreement. After publication of the final version of the work in the JAEI, the preprint shall be immediately linked with the published version (the ‘Version of Record’) by the corresponding author(s).

Submission of revised manuscript: While submitting a revised manuscript, the authors should submit a list of changes or a rebuttal against each point raised by the Reviewers/ Editor/ Editor-in-Chief along with the revised manuscript. Authors are also advised to use the “track change option” of MS WORD to indicate the changes made in the revised manuscript, and submit the revised manuscript in track change mode along with a corrected version without track change corrections/edits, with all corrections written in RED COLOUR.

Print proof: The corresponding author will be notified via email when proofs are ready, and he/she is responsible to carryout proof reading very carefully within given time frame to avoid errors in the final published article. Any corrections marked with annotations must be returned within given time and should only cover typesetting errors/minor corrections. No new additions of text / major changes are allowed at this stage.

Copyright Information: Upon acceptance of an article for publication in the Journal of Agricultural Engineering (India) (JAEI), authors will be advised to complete a “Copyright Transfer and Publication Ethics Agreement Form”. An e-mail will be sent to the corresponding author confirming acceptance of the manuscript together with a “Copyright Transfer and Publication Ethics Agreement Form” or a link to the online version of this agreement. A manuscript is published after receipt of the above agreement form.

If excerpts from other copyrighted works are included in the manuscript, the author(s) must obtain written permission from the copyright owners and credit the source(s) suitably in the manuscript. Kindly refer to the Copyright and Intellectual Property Policy adopted by the journal for detail information.

Appeals and Complaints: Any complaint and appeal on editorial decisions, long procedural delays and publication ethics is handled by the Editor-in-Chief and/or the Editor who handled the manuscript. On receiving an appeal against a decline to publish, the Editor-in-Chief or handling Editor considers the authors’ argument, the reviewer reports / Editorial Board comments, and any other relevant information to decide whether (a) the appeal should be considered; (b) the decision to decline publication should stand; or (c) another independent technical opinion of a subject-matter expert is required. The complainant, if appropriate, is informed of the decision with the required information. On receiving complaint about publication Ethics, the Editor-in-Chief or handling Editor decides on a course of action and provides feedback to the complainant as per the policies and guidelines of the journal.

Submission guideline is available at:

Submission Preparation Checklist

  • Read the Aims & Scope to get an overview and assess if your manuscript is suitable for this journal;
  • Refer to the “Guidelines for Authors” for writing the manuscript. Use Microsoft (MS) Word to prepare your manuscript and submit the MS Word file with main text, Figures, Tables, and any other supplementary materials;
  • Ensure that one author has been designated as the corresponding author with contact details (E-mail address; Full postal address, mobile number). The affiliations of other authors must be mentioned.
  • The manuscript is to be written in English language [English (India)] and typed in 1.5 line spacing in single column on A-4 size page.
  • Ensure that all authors have approved the content of the submitted manuscript.
  • Make sure that the issues on publication ethics and policies of the journal, copyright, intellectual property rights, ethical oversights, authorship, plagiarism, conflicts of interest are duly satisfied. Information on these is available on the ISAE website. Authors  are encouraged to submit the “Journal Publishing Agreement Form” while submitting online on ISAE website.

Special Issue: Special Issue on Digitalization in Postharvest Food Supply Chain.


Special Issue: Advanced Tools and Techniques for Modeling Hydro-climatic Variables under Changing Climate.


Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.